Source code for rql.utils

# copyright 2004-2021 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This file is part of rql.
# rql is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# rql is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with rql. If not, see <>.
"""Miscellaneous utilities for RQL."""

import string

from logilab.database import SQL_FUNCTIONS_REGISTRY, FunctionDescr, CAST
from logilab.common.decorators import monkeypatch

from rql._exceptions import BadRQLQuery
from typing import (
    Union as Union_,

    import rql
    import logilab

    from rql.base import BaseNode

__docformat__: str = "restructuredtext en"

[docs]def decompose_b26(index: int, table: str = string.ascii_uppercase) -> str: """Return a letter (base-26) decomposition of index.""" div, mod = divmod(index, 26) if div == 0: return table[mod] return decompose_b26(div - 1) + table[mod]
[docs]class rqlvar_maker: """Yields consistent RQL variable names. :param stop: optional argument to stop iteration after the Nth variable default is None which means 'never stop' :param defined: optional dict of already defined vars """ # NOTE: written a an iterator class instead of a simple generator to be # picklable def __init__( self, stop: Optional[int] = None, index: int = 0, defined: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, aliases: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: self.index = index self.stop = stop self.defined = defined self.aliases = aliases def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self) -> str: while self.stop is None or self.index < self.stop: var = decompose_b26(self.index) self.index += 1 if self.defined is not None and var in self.defined: continue if self.aliases is not None and var in self.aliases: continue return var raise StopIteration() next = __next__
KEYWORDS: Set[str] = set( ( "INSERT", "SET", "DELETE", "UNION", "WITH", "BEING", "WHERE", "AND", "OR", "NOT", "IN", "LIKE", "ILIKE", "EXISTS", "DISTINCT", "TRUE", "FALSE", "NULL", "TODAY", "GROUPBY", "HAVING", "ORDERBY", "ASC", "DESC", "LIMIT", "OFFSET", ) ) RQL_FUNCTIONS_REGISTRY: "logilab.database._FunctionRegistry" = ( SQL_FUNCTIONS_REGISTRY.copy() ) @monkeypatch(FunctionDescr) def st_description( # noqa self, funcnode: "rql.nodes.Function", mainindex: Optional[int], tr: Callable[[str], str], ) -> str: return "%s(%s)" % ( tr(, ", ".join( sorted( child.get_description(mainindex, tr) for child in iter_funcnode_variables(funcnode) ) ), )
[docs]@monkeypatch(FunctionDescr) def st_check_backend(self, backend: Any, funcnode: "rql.nodes.Function") -> None: # XXX backend seems to always be None if not self.supports(backend): raise BadRQLQuery(f"backend {backend} doesn't support function {}")
@monkeypatch(FunctionDescr) def rql_return_type(self, funcnode: "rql.nodes.Function") -> Optional[str]: return self.rtype
[docs]@monkeypatch(CAST) # type: ignore[no-redef] # noqa: F811 def st_description( # noqa: F811 self, funcnode: "rql.nodes.Function", mainindex: Optional[int], tr: Callable[[str], str], ) -> str: return self.rql_return_type(funcnode)
[docs]@monkeypatch(CAST) # type: ignore[no-redef] # noqa: F811 def rql_return_type(self, funcnode: "rql.nodes.Function") -> str: # noqa: F811 # mypy: "BaseNode" has no attribute "value" [attr-defined] # this is black magic to set rql_return_type to logilab.database classes # this code assume that CAST only works with nodes that has a value # attribute like Constant return funcnode.children[0].value # type: ignore[attr-defined]
[docs]def iter_funcnode_variables(funcnode: "rql.nodes.Function") -> Generator: # funcnode: rql.nodes.Function # term: rql.nodes.VariableRef for term in funcnode.children: try: # term.variable.stinfo: dict # mypy: "BaseNode" has no attribute "variable" [attr-defined] # same black magic than in rql_return_type above # error: Item "None" of "Optional[Variable]" has no attribute "stinfo" [union-attr] assert getattr(term, "variable") is not None yield term.variable.stinfo["attrvar"] or term # type: ignore[attr-defined] except AttributeError: yield term
[docs]def is_keyword(word: str) -> bool: """Return true if the given word is a RQL keyword.""" return word.upper() in KEYWORDS
[docs]def common_parent( node1: Optional["BaseNode"], node2: Optional["BaseNode"] ) -> "BaseNode": """return the first common parent between node1 and node2 algorithm : 1) index node1's parents 2) climb among node2's parents until we find a common parent """ # index node1's parents node1_parents: Set["BaseNode"] = set() while node1: node1_parents.add(node1) node1 = node1.parent # climb among node2's parents until we find a common parent while node2: if node2 in node1_parents: return node2 node2 = node2.parent raise Exception(f"Failed to get a common parent between '{node1}' and '{node2}'")
[docs]def register_function(funcdef: "logilab.database.FunctionDescr") -> None: RQL_FUNCTIONS_REGISTRY.register_function(funcdef) SQL_FUNCTIONS_REGISTRY.register_function(funcdef)
[docs]def function_description(funcname: str) -> "logilab.database.FunctionDescr": # return type is 'logilab.database.' + funcname """Return the description (:class:`FunctionDescr`) for a RQL function.""" return RQL_FUNCTIONS_REGISTRY.get_function(funcname)
[docs]def quote(value: str) -> str: """Quote a string value.""" res = ['"'] for char in value: if char == '"': res.append("\\") res.append(char) res.append('"') return "".join(res)
[docs]def uquote(value: str) -> str: # XXX is this still useful? """Quote a unicode string value.""" res: List[str] = ['"'] for char in value: if char == '"': res.append("\\") res.append(char) res.append('"') return "".join(res)
[docs]class VisitableMixIn:
[docs] def accept( self, visitor: Union_["rql.stcheck.RQLSTChecker", "rql.stcheck.RQLSTAnnotator"], *args: Optional["rql.stcheck.STCheckState"], **kwargs: Optional[Any], ) -> None: visit_id: str = self.__class__.__name__.lower() visit_method: Callable = getattr(visitor, f"visit_{visit_id}") return visit_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def leave( self, visitor: Union_["rql.stcheck.RQLSTChecker", "rql.stcheck.RQLSTAnnotator"], *args: Optional["rql.stcheck.STCheckState"], **kwargs: Optional[Any], ) -> None: visit_id: str = self.__class__.__name__.lower() visit_method: Callable = getattr(visitor, f"leave_{visit_id}") return visit_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
# should we redefine this as a Protocol?
[docs]class RQLVisitorHandler: """Handler providing a dummy implementation of all callbacks necessary to visit a RQL syntax tree. """
[docs] def visit_union(self, union): pass
[docs] def visit_insert(self, insert): pass
[docs] def visit_delete(self, delete): pass
[docs] def visit_set(self, update): pass
[docs] def visit_select(self, selection): pass
[docs] def visit_sortterm(self, sortterm): pass
[docs] def visit_and(self, et): pass
[docs] def visit_or(self, ou): pass
[docs] def visit_not(self, not_): pass
[docs] def visit_relation(self, relation): pass
[docs] def visit_comparison(self, comparison): pass
[docs] def visit_mathexpression(self, mathexpression): pass
[docs] def visit_function(self, function): pass
[docs] def visit_variableref(self, variable): pass
[docs] def visit_variablerefattributeaccess(self, variable, attribute): pass
[docs] def visit_variablerefmethodcall(self, variable, function, args): pass
[docs] def visit_constant(self, constant): pass