Source code for rql

# copyright 2004-2021 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact --
# This file is part of rql.
# rql is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# rql is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with rql. If not, see <>.
"""RQL library (implementation independant)."""

from math import log

import sys
import threading

if sys.version_info < (3, 10):
    from importlib_metadata import version
    from importlib.metadata import version

from io import StringIO

from rql._exceptions import (  # noqa
from rql.analyze import ETypeResolver
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Dict, List, Any, Set, cast

__docformat__: str = "restructuredtext en"
__version__: str = version("rql")

    import rql

# REQUIRED_TYPES = ['String', 'Float', 'Int', 'Boolean', 'Date']

[docs]class RQLHelper: """Helper class for RQL handling give access to methods for : - parsing RQL strings - variables type resolving - comparison of two queries """ def __init__( self, schema: "rql.interfaces.ISchema", uid_func_mapping: "rql.analyze.UIDFuncMapping" = None, special_relations: Dict[str, str] = {}, backend: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> None: # chech schema # for e_type in REQUIRED_TYPES: # if not schema.has_entity(e_type): # raise MissingType(e_type) # create helpers from rql.stcheck import RQLSTChecker, RQLSTAnnotator if uid_func_mapping: for key in uid_func_mapping: special_relations[key] = "uid" self._checker = RQLSTChecker(schema, special_relations, backend) self._annotator = RQLSTAnnotator(schema, special_relations) self._analyser_lock = threading.Lock() self._analyser = ETypeResolver(schema, uid_func_mapping) # IgnoreTypeRestriction analyser from rql.analyze import ETypeResolverIgnoreTypeRestriction self._itr_analyser_lock = threading.Lock() self._itr_analyser = ETypeResolverIgnoreTypeRestriction( schema, uid_func_mapping ) self.set_schema(schema)
[docs] def set_schema(self, schema: "rql.interfaces.ISchema") -> None: from rql.utils import is_keyword for etype in schema.entities(): etype = str(etype) if is_keyword(etype) or etype.capitalize() == "Any": raise UsesReservedWord(etype) for rtype in schema.relations(): rtype = str(rtype) if is_keyword(rtype): raise UsesReservedWord(rtype) self._checker.schema = schema self._annotator.schema = schema self._analyser.set_schema(schema)
[docs] def get_backend(self) -> Any: return self._checker.backend
[docs] def set_backend(self, backend: Any) -> None: self._checker.backend = backend
backend = property(get_backend, set_backend)
[docs] def parse(self, rqlstring: str, annotate: bool = True) -> "rql.stmts.AnyStatement": """Return a syntax tree created from a RQL string.""" rqlst = parse(rqlstring, False) self._checker.check(rqlst) if annotate: self.annotate(rqlst) rqlst.schema = self._annotator.schema return rqlst
[docs] def annotate(self, rqlst: "rql.stmts.Statement") -> None: self._annotator.annotate(rqlst)
[docs] def compute_solutions( self, rqlst: "rql.stmts.AnyStatement", uid_func_mapping: "rql.analyze.UIDFuncMapping" = None, kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, debug: bool = False, ) -> Set: """Set solutions for variables of the syntax tree. Each solution is a dictionary with variable's name as key and variable's type as value. """ with self._analyser_lock: return self._analyser.visit(rqlst, uid_func_mapping, kwargs, debug)
[docs] def compute_all_solutions( self, rqlst, uid_func_mapping=None, kwargs=None, debug=False ): """compute syntax tree solutions with all types restriction (eg is/instance_of relations) ignored """ with self._itr_analyser_lock: self._itr_analyser.visit(rqlst, uid_func_mapping, kwargs, debug)
[docs] def simplify(self, rqlst: "rql.stmts.Union") -> None: """Simplify `rqlst` by rewriting non-final variables associated to a const node (if annotator say we can...) The tree is modified in-place. """ # print('simplify', rqlst.as_string()) # seems like only Union as TYPE attribute, I should double check if rqlst.TYPE == "select": for select in rqlst.children: self._simplify(cast("rql.stmts.Select", select))
def _simplify(self, select: "rql.stmts.Select") -> None: # recurse on subqueries first for subquery in select.with_: for subselect in subquery.query.children: self._simplify(cast("rql.stmts.Select", subselect)) rewritten = False for var in list(select.defined_vars.values()): stinfo = var.stinfo if ( stinfo["constnode"] and not stinfo.get("blocsimplification") and not var.has_attribute_or_function_var_references() ): uidrel = stinfo["uidrel"] var = uidrel.children[0].variable vconsts: List["rql.nodes.Constant"] = [] rhs = uidrel.children[1].children[0] for vref in var.references(): rel = vref.relation() if rel is None: term = vref while term.parent is not select: term = term.parent if any(term.is_equivalent(t) for t in select.selection): rhs = copy_uid_node(select, rhs, vconsts) if vref is term: index = next( i for i, var in enumerate(select.selection) if vref.is_equivalent(var) ) select.selection[index] = rhs rhs.parent = select else: vref.parent.replace(vref, rhs) elif any(term.is_equivalent(o) for o in select.orderby): # remove from orderby select.remove(term) elif not select.having: # remove from groupby if no HAVING clause select.remove(term) else: rhs = copy_uid_node(select, rhs, vconsts) # "Iterable[Any]" has no attribute "index" [attr-defined] select.groupby = cast(List, select.groupby) select.groupby[select.groupby.index(vref)] = rhs rhs.parent = select elif rel is uidrel: uidrel.parent.remove(uidrel) elif rel.is_types_restriction(): stinfo["typerel"] = None rel.parent.remove(rel) else: rhs = copy_uid_node(select, rhs, vconsts) vref.parent.replace(vref, rhs) del select.defined_vars[] stinfo["uidrel"] = None rewritten = True if vconsts: select.stinfo["rewritten"][] = vconsts if rewritten and select.clean_solutions()
[docs]def copy_uid_node( select: "rql.stmts.Select", node: "rql.nodes.Constant", vconsts: List["rql.nodes.Constant"], ) -> "rql.nodes.Constant": # Incompatible types in assignment # (expression has type "BaseNode", variable has type "Constant") node = node.copy(select) # type:ignore[assignment] node.uid = True vconsts.append(node) return node
[docs]def parse(rqlstring: str, print_errors: bool = True) -> "rql.stmts.AnyStatement": """Return a syntax tree created from a RQL string.""" from yapps.runtime import print_error, SyntaxError, NoMoreTokens from rql.parser import Hercule, HerculeScanner # make sure rql string ends with a semi-colon rqlstring = rqlstring.strip() if rqlstring and not rqlstring.endswith(";"): rqlstring += ";" # parse the RQL string parser = Hercule(HerculeScanner(rqlstring)) try: return parser.goal() except SyntaxError as ex: if not print_errors: if ex.pos is not None: multi_lines_rql = rqlstring.splitlines() nb_lines = len(multi_lines_rql) if nb_lines > 5: width = log(nb_lines, 10) + 1 template = " %%%ii: %%s" % width rqlstring = "\n".join( template % (idx + 1, line) for idx, line in enumerate(multi_lines_rql) ) padding = 30 _, line, column = ex.pos rql_line = multi_lines_rql[line - 1] if len(rql_line) <= (padding * 2): around = rql_line here_left_padding = len("around: ") + column elif column < padding: around = rql_line[: padding * 2] + "..." here_left_padding = len("around: ") + column elif (len(rql_line) - padding) < column: around = "..." + rql_line[-(padding * 2) :] here_left_padding = len("around: ...") + ( column - (len(rql_line) - (padding * 2)) ) else: around = ( "..." + rql_line[column - padding : column + padding] + "..." ) here_left_padding = len("around: ...") + padding here = " " * (here_left_padding - 1) + "^ here" msg = "%s in:\n%s\n\nat line %s and column %s\naround: %s\n%s" % ( ex.msg, rqlstring, line, column, around, here, ) else: msg = f"{rqlstring}\n{ex.msg}" exc = RQLSyntaxError(msg) exc.__traceback__ = sys.exc_info()[-1] raise exc # try to get error message from yapps try: out = sys.stderr sys.stderr = stream = StringIO() try: print_error(ex, parser._scanner) finally: sys.stderr = out exc = RQLSyntaxError(stream.getvalue()) exc.__traceback__ = sys.exc_info()[-1] raise exc except ImportError: # duh? sys.stderr = out exc = RQLSyntaxError( "Syntax Error", ex.msg, "on line", 1 + out.count("\n", 0, ex.pos), # type:ignore ) exc.__traceback__ = sys.exc_info()[-1] raise exc except NoMoreTokens: msg = "Could not complete parsing; stopped around here: \n%s" exc = RQLSyntaxError(msg % parser._scanner) exc.__traceback__ = sys.exc_info()[-1] raise exc