Source code for rql.base

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"""Base classes for RQL syntax tree nodes.

Note: this module uses __slots__ to limit memory usage.

from rql.utils import VisitableMixIn
from typing import (
    Union as Union_,

__docformat__: str = "restructuredtext en"

    import rql

_Y = TypeVar("_Y", bound="BaseNode")

[docs]class BaseNode(VisitableMixIn): __slots__: Iterable[str] = ("parent",) if TYPE_CHECKING: parent: Optional["BaseNode"] # the only class that doesn't have children is ScopeNode but it # doesn't seems to be used explicitely anywhere and ALL its children # have a "children" attribute, so we take the decision to make # everything simplier and, for typing, pretend that ALL nodes have # children # also ScopeNode really seems to be an abstract base class # note: ALL subclass of BaseNode (except ScopeNode) also have children children: Sequence["BaseNode"] # another option would be to define a new type like this: # NodeWithChildren = Union_[Node, LeafNode, SubQuery, Set, Insert, Delete, # Exists] # or create a protocol in the same fashion def __str__(self) -> str: s: str = self.as_string() return s
[docs] def as_string(self, kwargs: Dict = None) -> str: """Return the tree as an encoded rql string.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def initargs(self, stmt: Optional["rql.stmts.Statement"]) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: """Return list of arguments to give to __init__ to clone this node. I don't use __getinitargs__ because I'm not sure it should interfer with copy/pickle """ return ()
# pyannotate suggested rql.stmts.Union as returned type, samples=2 # but it sound like we should return a Node here @property def root(self) -> Optional["BaseNode"]: """Return the root node of the tree""" if self.parent is not None: return self.parent.root return None # should we return None or something else? @property def stmt(self) -> Optional["rql.stmts.Statement"]: """Return the Select node to which this node belong""" if self.parent is not None: return self.parent.stmt return None # should we return None or something else? @property def scope(self) -> Optional[Union_["rql.stmts.Statement", "BaseNode"]]: """Return the scope node to which this node belong (eg Select or Exists node) """ if self.parent is not None: return self.parent.scope return None # should we return None or something else?
[docs] def get_nodes(self, klass: Type[_Y]) -> List[_Y]: """Return the list of nodes of a given class in the subtree. :type klass: a node class (Relation, Constant, etc.) :param klass: the class of nodes to return :rtype: list """ stack: List[Any] = [self] result = [] while stack: node = stack.pop() if isinstance(node, klass): result.append(node) else: stack += node.children return result
[docs] def iget_nodes(self, klass: Type[_Y]) -> Iterator[_Y]: """Return an iterator over nodes of a given class in the subtree. :type klass: a node class (Relation, Constant, etc.) :param klass: the class of nodes to return :rtype: iterator """ stack: List[Any] = [self] while stack: node = stack.pop() if isinstance(node, klass): yield node else: stack += node.children
# Argument 1 to "is_equivalent" of "BaseNode" has incompatible type "IsOperator"; # expected "BaseNode" [arg-type] # Argument 2 to "is_equivalent" of "BaseNode" has incompatible type "IsOperator"; # expected "BaseNode" [arg-type] # def is_equivalent(self, other: "BaseNode") -> bool: # Any here really means: any children of BaseNode
[docs] def is_equivalent(self: Any, other: Any) -> bool: if not issubclass(self.__class__, other.__class__): return False for i, child in enumerate(self.children): try: if not child.is_equivalent(other.children[i]): return False except IndexError: return False return True
[docs] def copy(self, stmt: Optional["rql.stmts.Statement"] = None) -> "BaseNode": raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def replace( self, old_child: "BaseNode", new_child: "BaseNode" ) -> Tuple["BaseNode", "BaseNode", Optional[int]]: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Node(BaseNode): """Class for nodes of the tree which may have children (almost all...)""" __slots__: Iterable[str] = ("children",) def __init__(self): self.parent: Optional[BaseNode] = None self.children: List[BaseNode] = []
[docs] def append(self, child: BaseNode): """add a node to children""" self.children.append(child) child.parent = self
[docs] def remove( self, child: BaseNode ) -> Tuple[BaseNode, Optional[BaseNode], Optional[int]]: """Remove a child node. Return the removed node, its old parent and index in the children list. """ index: int = self.children.index(child) del self.children[index] parent = child.parent child.parent = None return child, parent, index
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, child: BaseNode): """insert a child node""" self.children.insert(index, child) child.parent = self
[docs] def replace( self, old_child: BaseNode, new_child: BaseNode ) -> Tuple[BaseNode, BaseNode, Optional[int]]: """replace a child node with another""" i = self.children.index(old_child) self.children.pop(i) self.children.insert(i, new_child) new_child.parent = self return old_child, self, i
[docs] def copy(self, stmt: Optional["rql.stmts.Statement"] = None) -> "Node": """Create and return a copy of this node and its descendant. stmt is the root node, which should be use to get new variables """ new: Node = self.__class__(*self.initargs(stmt)) for child in self.children: new.append(child.copy(stmt)) return new
[docs]class BinaryNode(Node): __slots__: Iterable[str] = () def __init__( self, lhs: Optional["BaseNode"] = None, rhs: Optional["BaseNode"] = None, ): Node.__init__(self) if lhs is not None: self.append(lhs) if rhs is not None: self.append(rhs)
[docs] def remove( self, child: "BaseNode" ) -> Tuple["BaseNode", Optional["BaseNode"], Optional[int]]: """Remove the child and replace this node with the other child.""" index: int = self.children.index(child) if self.parent is not None: return self.parent.replace(self, self.children[not index]) return child, None, index
[docs] def get_parts(self) -> Tuple["BaseNode", "BaseNode"]: """Return the left hand side and the right hand side of this node.""" return self.children[0], self.children[1]
[docs]class LeafNode(BaseNode): """Class optimized for leaf nodes.""" __slots__: Iterable[str] = () # We can't do that because of a bug in mypy see # # @property # def children(self) -> Sequence["BaseNode"]: @property def children(self): return ()
[docs] def copy( self: "BaseNode", stmt: Optional["rql.stmts.Statement"] = None ) -> "BaseNode": """Create and return a copy of this node and its descendant. stmt is the root node, which should be use to get new variables. """ return self.__class__(*self.initargs(stmt))