Source code for rql.analyze

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# This file is part of rql.
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# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
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"""Analyze of the RQL syntax tree to get possible types for RQL variables.


__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

import os
from io import StringIO
from typing import (
    Union as Union_,

from rql import TypeResolverException, nodes

    import rql

    pure = bool(os.environ.get("RQL_USE_PURE_PYTHON_ANALYSE", 0))
    if pure:
        raise ImportError
    from rql import rql_solve  # type: ignore[attr-defined] # rql_solve is a cpp extension
except ImportError:
    rql_solve = None
    import warnings

    warnings.filterwarnings(action="ignore", module="logilab.constraint.propagation")
    from logilab.constraint import Repository, Solver, fd

    # Gecode solver not available
# rql_solve = None # uncomment to force using logilab-constraint

[docs]class ConstraintCSPProblem: def __init__(self): self.constraints = [] = {} self.scons = [] self.output = StringIO()
[docs] def debug(self): print("Domains:", print("Constraints:", self.constraints) print("Scons:", self.scons)
[docs] def get_output(self): return self.output.getvalue()
[docs] def printer(self, *msgs): self.output.write(" ".join(str(msg) for msg in msgs)) self.output.write("\n")
[docs] def solve(self): repo = Repository(,, self.get_constraints()) solver = Solver(printer=self.printer) # used for timing # import time # t0=time.time() sols = solver.solve(repo, verbose=(True or self.debug)) # print("RUNTIME:", time.time()-t0) return sols
[docs] def add_var(self, name, values):[name] = fd.FiniteDomain(values)
[docs] def end_domain_definition(self): pass
[docs] def get_domains(self): return
[docs] def get_constraints(self): return self.constraints
[docs] def add_expr(self, vars, expr): self.constraints.append(fd.make_expression(vars, expr)) self.scons.append(expr)
[docs] def var_has_type(self, var, etype): assert isinstance(etype, str) self.add_expr((var,), f"{var} == {etype!r}")
[docs] def var_has_types(self, var, etypes): etypes = tuple(etypes) for t in etypes: assert isinstance(t, str) if len(etypes) == 1: cstr = f'{var} == "{etypes[0]}"' else: cstr = f"{var} in {etypes} " self.add_expr((var,), cstr)
[docs] def vars_have_same_types(self, varnames, types): self.add_expr(varnames, f"{'=='.join(varnames)} in {types}")
[docs] def or_and(self, equalities): orred = set() variables = set() for orred_expr in equalities: anded = set() for vars, types in orred_expr: types = tuple(types) for t in types: assert isinstance(t, str) if len(types) == 1: anded.add(f"{'=='.join(vars)} == \"{types[0]}\"") else: anded.add(f"{'=='.join(vars)} in {types}") for var in vars: variables.add(var) orred.add("(" + " and ".join(list(anded)) + ")") expr = " or ".join(list(orred)) self.add_expr(tuple(variables), expr)
# GECODE based constraint solver _AND = 0 # symbolic values _OR = 1 _EQ = 2 _EQV = 3 OPSYM = {_AND: "and", _OR: "or", _EQ: "eq", _EQV: "eqv"}
[docs]class GecodeCSPProblem: """Builds an internal representation of the constraint that will be passed to the rql_solve module which implements a gecode-based solver The internal representation is a tree builds with lists of lists the first item of the list is the node type (_AND,_OR,_EQ,_EQV) an example : ["and", [ "eq",0,0 ], ["or", ["eq", 1, 1], ["eq", 1, 2] ] ] means Var(0) == Value(0) and ( Var(1)==Val(1) or Var(1) == Val(2) TODO: at the moment the solver makes no type checking on the structure of the tree thus can crash badly if something wrong is handled to it this should not happend as the building of the tree is done internally but it should be fixed anyways. When fixing that we should also replace string nodes by integers """ def __init__(self): self.constraints = [] self.op = [_AND] = {} # maps var name -> var value self.variables = {} # maps var name -> var index self.ivariables = [] # maps var index-> var name self.values = {} # maps val name -> val index self.all_values = set() # this gets turned into a list later self.idx_domains = [] # maps var index -> list of val index self.ivalues = {} # only used for debugging
[docs] def debug(self): self.ivalues = {} for val_name, val_num in self.values.items(): self.ivalues[val_num] = val_name print("Domains:", print("Ops:", self.pretty_print_ops(self.op)) print("Variables:", self.variables) print("Values:", self.values)
[docs] def pretty_print_ops(self, ops): if ops[0] in (_AND, _OR): res = [OPSYM[ops[0]], "("] for op in ops[1:]: res.append(self.pretty_print_ops(op)) res.append(",") res.append(")") return "".join(res) elif ops[0] == _EQ: return f"{self.ivariables[ops[1]]}=={self.ivalues[ops[2]]}" elif ops[0] == _EQV: res = [self.ivariables[k] for k in ops[1:]] return "~=".join(res)
[docs] def get_output(self): return ""
[docs] def solve(self): constraints = self.op # used for timing # import time # t0=time.time() sols = rql_solve.solve(self.idx_domains, len(self.all_values), constraints) rql_sols = [] for s in sols: r = {} for var, val in zip(self.ivariables, s): r[var] = self.all_values[val] rql_sols.append(r) # print("RUNTIME:", time.time()-t0) return rql_sols
[docs] def add_var(self, name, values): assert name not in self.variables self.all_values.update(values) self.variables[name] = len(self.variables) self.ivariables.append(name)[name] = values
[docs] def end_domain_definition(self): # maps integer->value self.all_values = list(self.all_values) # maps value->integer self.values = dict([(v, i) for i, v in enumerate(self.all_values)]) # print(self.values) # print( for var_name in self.ivariables: val_domain =[var_name] idx_domain = [self.values[val] for val in val_domain] self.idx_domains.append(idx_domain)
[docs] def and_eq(self, var, value): self.op.append([_EQ, self.variables[var], self.values[value]])
[docs] def equal_vars(self, varnames): if len(varnames) > 1: self.op.append([_EQV] + [self.variables[v] for v in varnames])
[docs] def var_has_type(self, var, etype): self.and_eq(var, etype)
[docs] def var_has_types(self, var, etypes): for t in etypes: assert isinstance(t, str) if len(etypes) == 1: self.and_eq(var, tuple(etypes)[0]) else: orred = [_OR] for t in etypes: try: orred.append([_EQ, self.variables[var], self.values[t]]) except KeyError: # key error may be raised by self.values[t] if self.values # reflects constraints from subqueries continue self.op.append(orred)
[docs] def vars_have_same_types(self, varnames, types): self.equal_vars(varnames) for var in varnames: self.var_has_types(var, types)
[docs] def or_and(self, equalities): orred = [_OR] for orred_expr in equalities: anded = [_AND] for vars, types in orred_expr: self.equal_vars(vars) for t in types: assert isinstance(t, str) for var in vars: if len(types) == 1: anded.append([_EQ, self.variables[var], self.values[types[0]]]) else: or2 = [_OR] for t in types: or2.append([_EQ, self.variables[var], self.values[t]]) anded.append(or2) orred.append(anded) self.op.append(orred)
CSPType = Union_["ConstraintCSPProblem", "GecodeCSPProblem"] CSPTypeType = Union_[Type["ConstraintCSPProblem"], Type["GecodeCSPProblem"]] if rql_solve is None: CSPProblem: CSPTypeType = ConstraintCSPProblem else: CSPProblem = GecodeCSPProblem # CSPProblem = ConstraintCSPProblem UIDFuncMapping = Optional[Dict[str, Callable[[int], str]]]
[docs]class ETypeResolver: """Resolve variables types according to the schema. CSP modelisation: * variable <-> RQL variable * domains <-> different entity's types defined in the schema * constraints <-> relations between (RQL) variables """ var_solkey: str = "possibletypes" def __init__( self, schema: "rql.interfaces.ISchema", uid_func_mapping: UIDFuncMapping = None, ) -> None: """ :Parameters: * `schema`: an object describing entities and relations that implements the ISchema interface. * `uid_func_mapping`: a dictionary where keys are strings representing an attribute used as a Unique IDentifier and values are methods that accept attribute values and return entity's types. [mapping from relation to function taking rhs value as argument and returning an entity type]. """ self.debug: int = 0 self.set_schema(schema) if uid_func_mapping is None: self.uid_func_mapping: UIDFuncMapping = {} self.uid_func: Optional[Callable] = None else: self.uid_func_mapping = uid_func_mapping self.uid_func = next(iter(uid_func_mapping.values()))
[docs] def set_schema(self, schema: "rql.interfaces.ISchema") -> None: self.schema = schema # default domains for a variable self._base_domain = set(str(etype) for etype in schema.entities()) self._nonfinal_domain = set( str(etype) for etype in schema.entities() if not )
[docs] def solve( self, node: "rql.stmts.AnyScopeNode", constraints: CSPType, ) -> None: # debug info if self.debug > 1: print("- AN1 -" + "-" * 80) print(node) print("CONSTRAINTS:") constraints.debug() sols = constraints.solve() if not sols: rql = node.as_string(kwargs=self.kwargs) ex_msg = f'Unable to resolve variables types in "{rql}"' if self.debug: ex_msg += f"\n{constraints.get_output()}" raise TypeResolverException(ex_msg) node.set_possible_types(sols, self.kwargs, self.var_solkey)
def _visit( self, node: "rql.base.BaseNode", constraints: Optional[CSPType] = None, ) -> None: """Recurse down the tree. * node: rql node to process * constraints: a XxxCSPProblem object. """ func = getattr(self, f"visit_{node.__class__.__name__.lower()}") if constraints is None: func(node) elif func(node, constraints) is None: for c in node.children: self._visit(c, constraints) def _uid_node_types(self, valnode: "rql.base.LeafNode") -> Set[str]: types = set() for cst in valnode.iget_nodes(nodes.Constant): assert cst.type if cst.type == "Substitute": self.deambiguifiers.add(cst.value) if self.uid_func: cst.uidtype = self.uid_func(cst.eval(self.kwargs)) types.add(cst.uidtype) return types def _init_scope_node(self, node: "rql.stmts.AnyScopeNode") -> CSPType: pb = CSPProblem() # set domain for all the variables for var in node.defined_vars.values(): pb.add_var(, self._base_domain) # no variable short cut return pb def _extract_constraint( self, constraints: CSPType, var: str, term: "rql.nodes.Constant", get_target_types: Callable, ) -> None: if self.uid_func: alltypes = set() for etype in self._uid_node_types(term): for targettypes in get_target_types(etype): alltypes.add(targettypes) else: alltypes = get_target_types() domain =[var] constraints.var_has_types(var, [str(t) for t in alltypes if t in domain])
[docs] def visit( self, node: "rql.stmts.AnyStatement", uid_func_mapping: UIDFuncMapping = None, kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, debug: bool = False, ) -> Set[str]: # FIXME: not thread safe self.debug = debug if uid_func_mapping is not None: assert len(uid_func_mapping) <= 1 self.uid_func_mapping = uid_func_mapping self.uid_func = next(iter(uid_func_mapping.values())) self.kwargs = kwargs self.deambiguifiers: Set = set() self._visit(node) if uid_func_mapping is not None: self.uid_func_mapping = None self.uid_func = None return self.deambiguifiers
[docs] def visit_union(self, node: "rql.stmts.Union") -> None: for select in node.children: self._visit(select)
def _visit_insert_or_delete( self, node: Union_["rql.stmts.Delete", "rql.stmts.Insert"] ) -> None: if not node.defined_vars: node.set_possible_types([{}]) return constraints = self._init_scope_node(node) constraints.end_domain_definition() for etype, variable in node.main_variables: if node.TYPE == "delete" and etype == "Any": continue assert etype in self.schema, etype var = constraints.var_has_type(var, etype) for relation in node.main_relations: self._visit(relation, constraints) # get constraints from the restriction subtree if node.where is not None: self._visit(node.where, constraints) self.solve(node, constraints)
[docs] def visit_insert(self, node: "rql.stmts.Insert") -> None: return self._visit_insert_or_delete(node)
[docs] def visit_delete(self, node: "rql.stmts.Delete") -> None: return self._visit_insert_or_delete(node)
[docs] def visit_set(self, node: "rql.stmts.Set") -> None: if not node.defined_vars: node.set_possible_types([{}]) return constraints = self._init_scope_node(node) constraints.end_domain_definition() for relation in node.main_relations: self._visit(relation, constraints) # get constraints from the restriction subtree if node.where is not None: self._visit(node.where, constraints) self.solve(node, constraints)
[docs] def visit_select(self, node: "rql.stmts.Select") -> None: if not (node.defined_vars or node.aliases): node.set_possible_types([{}]) return for subquery in node.with_: # resolve subqueries first self.visit_union(subquery.query) constraints = self._init_scope_node(node) for ca in node.aliases.values(): etypes = set( stmt.selection[ca.colnum].get_type(sol, self.kwargs) for stmt in ca.query.children for sol in ) constraints.add_var(, etypes) constraints.end_domain_definition() if self.uid_func: # check rewritten uid const for consts in node.stinfo["rewritten"].values(): if not consts: continue uidtype = self.uid_func(consts[0].eval(self.kwargs)) for const in consts: const.uidtype = uidtype # get constraints from the restriction subtree if node.where is not None: self._visit(node.where, constraints) elif not node.with_: varnames = [ for v in node.get_selected_variables()] if varnames: # add constraint on real relation types if no restriction types = [ eschema.type for eschema in self.schema.entities() if not ] constraints.vars_have_same_types(varnames, types) self.solve(node, constraints)
[docs] def visit_relation( self, relation: "rql.nodes.Relation", constraints: CSPType, ) -> None: """extract constraints for an relation according to it's type""" if relation.is_types_restriction(): self.visit_type_restriction(relation, constraints) return None rtype = relation.r_type lhs, rhs = relation.get_parts() if rtype == "identity" and relation.neged(strict=True): return None assert self.uid_func_mapping is not None if rtype in self.uid_func_mapping: if isinstance(relation.parent, nodes.Not) or relation.operator() != "=": # non final entity types etypes = self._nonfinal_domain else: etypes = self._uid_node_types(rhs) if etypes: constraints.var_has_types(, etypes) return None if isinstance(rhs, nodes.Comparison): rhs = rhs.children[0] rschema = self.schema.relation_schema_for(rtype) if isinstance(lhs, nodes.Constant): # lhs is a constant node (simplified tree) if not isinstance(rhs, nodes.VariableRef): return None self._extract_constraint(constraints,, lhs, rschema.objects) elif isinstance(rhs, nodes.Constant) and not # rhs.type is None <-> NULL if not isinstance(lhs, nodes.VariableRef) or rhs.type is None: return None self._extract_constraint(constraints,, rhs, rschema.subjects) elif not isinstance(lhs, nodes.VariableRef): # XXX: check relation is valid return None elif isinstance(rhs, nodes.VariableRef): lhsvar = rhsvar = lhsdomain =[lhsvar] # filter according to domain necessary for column aliases rhsdomain =[rhsvar] res = [] var_types = [] same_var = rhsvar == lhsvar for frometype, toetypes in rschema.associations(): fromtype = str(frometype) if fromtype in lhsdomain: totypes = set(str(t) for t in toetypes) ptypes = totypes & rhsdomain res.append([([lhsvar], [str(fromtype)]), ([rhsvar], list(ptypes))]) if same_var and (fromtype in totypes): # ptypes ? var_types.append(fromtype) constraints.or_and(res) if same_var: constraints.var_has_types(lhsvar, var_types) else: # XXX consider rhs.get_type? lhsdomain =[] ptypes = [str(subj) for subj in rschema.subjects() if subj in lhsdomain] constraints.var_has_types(, ptypes) return None
[docs] def visit_type_restriction( self, relation: "rql.nodes.Relation", constraints: CSPType, ) -> None: lhs, rhs = relation.get_parts() etypes = set( c.value for c in rhs.iget_nodes(nodes.Constant) if c.type == "etype" ) if relation.r_type == "is_instance_of": for etype in tuple(etypes): for specialization in self.schema.entity_schema_for( etype ).specialized_by(): etypes.add(specialization.type) if relation.neged(strict=True): etypes = set(t for t in self._nonfinal_domain if t not in etypes) constraints.var_has_types(, [str(t) for t in etypes])
[docs] def visit_and(self, et: "rql.nodes.And", constraints: CSPType) -> None: pass
[docs] def visit_or(self, ou: "rql.nodes.Or", constraints: CSPType) -> None: pass
[docs] def visit_not(self, et: "rql.nodes.Not", constraints: CSPType) -> None: pass
[docs] def visit_comparison( self, comparison: "rql.nodes.Comparison", constraints: CSPType ) -> None: pass
[docs] def visit_mathexpression( self, mathexpression: "rql.nodes.MathExpression", constraints: CSPType ) -> None: pass
[docs] def visit_function( self, function: "rql.nodes.Function", constraints: CSPType ) -> None: pass
[docs] def visit_variableref( self, variableref: "rql.nodes.VariableRef", constraints: CSPType ) -> None: pass
[docs] def visit_constant( self, constant: "rql.nodes.Constant", constraints: CSPType ) -> None: pass
[docs] def visit_keyword(self, keyword: Any, constraints: CSPType) -> None: pass
[docs] def visit_exists(self, exists: "rql.nodes.Exists", constraints: CSPType) -> None: pass
[docs]class ETypeResolverIgnoreTypeRestriction(ETypeResolver): """same as ETypeResolver but ignore type restriction relation results are stored in as the 'allpossibletypes' key in variable'stinfo """ var_solkey = "allpossibletypes"
[docs] def visit_type_restriction(self, relation, constraints): pass
[docs] def visit_not(self, et, constraints): child = et.children[0] if ( isinstance(child, nodes.Relation) and not self.schema.rschema(child.r_type).final ): return True